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Better careers for students.
Better talent for employers.

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Student Interests

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Employer Engagement

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Personal & Connected Experiences

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Designed for students to feel like their favorite social media products, UpperCampus Explore is a mobile app & website that complements the career, company, and job exploration process.


Through curated stories by UpperCampus and content published directly by employers and schools, students can scroll through their personal feed of  thousands of company YouTube videos, career TikToks, and informational posts that show what a “day-in-the-life” in a specific role at a specific company is like. 


Publish stories about:

  • Company culture

  • Diversity & Inclusion efforts

  • Sustainability Initiatives

  • Career opportunities

  • Internship spotlights


Published stories can include photos, videos, links to social media or company websites and so much more.

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Storytelling is essential in school and business, and students need to learn how to tell their own story. 


UpperCampus Prep is a video-based preparation tool where schools and employers are given tools to better engage students and provide real meaningful feedback.  Students are assigned interactive video challenges, requiring users to record video responses to various exercises. There are several pre-populated exercises included, along with the flexibility to create custom exercises for classroom use. 


Some examples include:​

  • School administrators looking to elevate their career exploration curriculum

  • Guidance counselors at the high school level incorporating the NACE core competencies in their instruction

  • Interactive support for public speaking curriculum

  • Interview preparation for all students


With Prep, employers are also invited into the classroom by creating video exercises for students to complete, while providing real feedback on student submissions from real companies & employees. 

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Most employers agree that virtual and in-person career fairs are rushed and don't allow for meaningful interactions with early talent candidates. With UpperCampus Events, students can create introductory videos and answer specific questions for employers before, during, and after events to set themselves apart and make the face-to-face meetings more impactful.


Besides career fairs, UpperCampus Events can be used for other activities that can be enhanced by video interactions to drive additional  effectiveness and efficiencies for both employers and schools.


Other example events include:​

  • College fairs

  • Mock interviews

  • Panels & speaking events

  • Networking events and hiring mixers

  • Job postings

  • Managing new hires 

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Students want to hear real career stories from real people, and there's no one more qualified to tell these stories than actual employees and school alumni. Mentor allows employees & alumni to create short videos from their browser or mobile phone, sharing their educational and career journey directly with students. 


Example uses of UpperCampus Mentor include:

  • High school alum stories about choosing specific universities

  • Stories from those that went into a trade a why

  • Stories about educational paths for specific careers

  • Career testimonials

  • Alumni tips and tricks for landing that dream job

  • Employee stories from specific companies

UC Explore
UpperCampus Prep
UpperCampus Events
UpperCampus Mentor
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