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Balancing Finals and Festivities

by Jenna Ranney, Product Specialist

As most college students have returned home from campus a few weeks earlier than usual this year and the holiday season begins to ramp up, it's easy to switch off into break mode. Still, there are projects to complete, papers to write, and exams to ace!

Trying to manage finals and festivities simultaneously can be draining, not just mentally but emotionally. We all remember all too well the years of holidays throughout childhood, when we could spend entire days doing crafts, playing with friends, baking holiday cookies, and watching movies. As a college student, it's easy to feel like the holiday season is here for everyone but you. Watching everyone around you get to enjoy the best parts of the holidays to the fullest while you stress over major exams and assignments can be incredibly discouraging. Believe it or not, though, there are ways to enjoy the festive season without sacrificing your grades to do it!

The main thing here, as always, is time management. Maybe this holiday spirit is the extra motivation you’ve always needed to finally commit to a study schedule! The pressure of finals season can make you feel like you need to spend all day with your notes, but you’re better off going for short, broken up study sessions instead. Studying is most effective when it’s spaced out and repetitive, which gives you the perfect excuse to schedule in some holiday movies, decorating, or family Zoom calls!

Don’t let your finals steal your holiday! In 5 years, I promise you’ll remember the hour you took to bake cookies with your mom more than the grade you got on that last project. Be kind to yourself this holiday season, and remember to put the books away for a little while to let yourself reset.


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